Dimes and Judas discuss the academic legitimization of chemsex, Aboriginals in Canada getting 40 billion dollars to kill their own children faster, and Tindr as a dysgenics program. After a recounting of how Dimes took just 4 days to become an insane colonial warlord in the cannibal survival game The Forest, they climb into the history of Rome through the book "Dying Every Day: Seneca at the Court of Nero" by James Romm. Here they explain the notorious reign of Emperor Nero and his relationship with his tutor, famed Stoic philosopher Seneca, a tale of dynastic treachery and a preposterous amount of poisoning while in search of the very first Rationalist Emperor. Lastly, on this edition of The Coporanos Society, Dimes speaks with John Carter of Postcards From Barsoom fame, delving into the masculinity crisis in higher academia, pimps being gay, and how to create a better 21st century man.
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