This episode sees Dimes and Judas exploring what it is like to be an elite, what it takes to become one, and how to effectively marry your daughter off to crowbar your way into the higher echelons of society while behaving like the Addams Family. Afterward they discuss the slow-motion breakdown of Jordan Peterson and the path he took to becoming Israel's Top Anonymity Abuser, and get excited about Brendan Fraser's comeback in The Whale, a movie that seeks to fulfill the classic B$ premise: "what if a fat idiot was also gay?" Then Dimes takes a heroic swing at exploring Phenomenology, citing the book "Husserl's Phenomenology" by Dan Zahavi, explaining what this holistic philosophical framework is, what it isn't, and how it is applicable to how you interact with the world. Finally, this edition of Copepranos Society will be the most recent appearance on Millenniyule where Dimes and Judas explain the history of the show, Canadian politics, and Millennial Woes utterly mogs Dimes by dismissing a Radiohead conversation. It's great fun and by listening you are investing in yourself.
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