Dimes and Judas spark it up on the latest Dimeschild developments and the social significance of moms obsessing over Girl Losers. They then highlight some key takeaways from the latest American midterm elections, like the long history of braindead or dead politicians and the necessity to have a psycho with a bomb vest as president. This leads into a review of "The Law of Civilization and Decay" by Brooks Adams, where they further develop the current state of politics by outlining the historical occurrence of a new type of economical man who emerges within a thriving civilization, signaling the end of a nation's founding stock and ultimately the decline of the empire. Finally, on this Copepranos Society, Dimes speaks with the insightful Andkon's Reich and they chop it up about the history and myths of Nazi Germany, including UFO superweapons and Hitler's family tree.
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