Dimes saw Black Adam and everybody is disappointed in him, which he tries to cover up by talking about the cool dad of the recent nonbinary Club Q (!!!) shooter. After expanding upon a recent case of a medically-assisted-death for the lamest Canadian messy-hairbun-owner ever, they review the documentary "Died Suddenly," which explores the alleged phenomenon of new blood clots related to the Covid vaccine and discuss the Malthusian depopulation plot offered by the creators. This leads into a discussion of the book "The Construction of Nationhood" by Adrian Hastings, which makes a case that nationalism has its roots far further back than modern historians state, and that the unity of a people evolves up certain levels and gestates a modern state from this development. If you want to learn how to start your OWN nation, this is the one for you. Lastly, on this edition of the Copepranos Society, Dimes sits down with NP and Charles Constantine, hosts of Canadian podcast The Great Huyte North. In a profoundly comfy meeting, they discuss the dynamics of the Canadian identity and the history of Canadian nationalism.
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