Dimes and Judas - Silent Movie Era Landlords to the Female Race - discuss how the God of Law has turned his back on abortion and started the Ho-Locaust, and the Netflix show Anatomy of a Scandal is used as a launchpad to establish a hypothetically permissible spectrum of sexual assault in the interest of trusting science. The latter half of the episode is dedicated to a deep dive on Economic Nationalism and the negative aspects of global free trade, citing the books "The National System of Political Economy" by Frederich List and "Free Trade Doesn't Work" by Ian Fletcher. Through these in-depth and very complimentary books, they explore the foundational ideologies lurking beneath the front of free trade, the process through which economies strengthen internally, historical examples of where it all went wrong, and how national sovereignty can be achieved through economic means. Most importantly, they establish how these authors living over a century apart are still relevant to your life right now and in the future.
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